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Economic Development
Carthage Area Chamber of Commerce
A listing local businesses that are members of the Chamber with contact information and links to their websites.
A great place for visitors to find out about the lodging, places to tour, and recreational opportunities available in the Carthage area.
Carthage Public Library
Look over reference materials such as staff picks, bestsellers, catalogs, and youth services. Learn how to get a library card, check hours, and events calendar.
Mercy Hospital Carthage
After a tornado destroyed Mercy's hospital in Joplin, Mo., Mercy teamed up with McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital in Carthage to provide care for residents in both communities as well as the surrounding counties. On January 1, 2012, Mercy assumed operations of the 25-bed Carthage hospital, now known as Mercy Hospital Carthage.
Vision Carthage
Our purpose is to revitalize the heart of the City of Carthage.