Mulch / Compost

Compost pile with tractor

The Recycling Center typically has an abundant supply of mulch (wood chips) and compost available for free. You can bring your own shovel and bucket to scoop up what you need or staff can assist the loading of your trailer or pickup with the loader.

The mulch (wood chips) are an 'unrefined' product and primarily consist of tree limbs and brush that have been cleared from storm debris or various property clearing efforts and the materials run through a chipper.

The compost consists primarily of the broken-down leaves that have been collected by city crews during the Leaf Removal Program in years past. The compost is 'unfiltered' - meaning there could be small amounts of debris, sticks, etc.

It's always best to call and check on availability before arriving, especially during spring planting season. You can contact staff by calling the Recycling Center at 417-237-7024.