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The City of Carthage's purpose is to provide an adequate transportation system for vehicles properly equipped for winter driving conditions in snow and ice events. Optimal conditions will be provided as soon as practicable after a storm. Certain streets have a higher intensity use and thus have a higher priority for snow removal. The overall goal is to provide emergency response and the maximum level of service to the greatest number of people as quickly as possible when winter weather affects road conditions. What can Citizens do during a snow event? Park off-street when possible Keep low hanging branches in the right-of-way trimmed (minimum 8 feet above pavement) Shovel an opening approximately 15 feet along the curb in advance of the driveway - this will help reduce the amount of snow that commonly accumulates at your driveway.
If you have any questions, contact the Public Works Department at 417-237-7010 and speak with the Street Superintendent.